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Friendly reminder: SYB true or not

Datetime: 2016-01-15

Successfully developed after many years of practice by my company, Shou Bai Ha, ZBSB series dual fluid injection pump, its synchronization pulp efficacy of field of the double solution grouting process in particular is the moment the initial setting of the chemical grouting process, fill its equipmentblank, do this to get the approval of the State Patent Office, Patent No. ZL 00 2 40 860 0 Zhenjiang of a company are reflected in its lucrative counterfeit acts stem from imitation lost its shape its contents (no synchronization pulp efficacy), we condemnsuch the ugly passing through while reminding the vast number of friends, do not be fooled!

The conventional double solution grouting multi-orifice mixing, chemical grouting process orifice for the the instant initial setting dual liquid mixing Obviously not, I produced the dual fluid injection pump with the double solution grouting dedicated appliances, the implementation of the hole the bottom mixed, solve this problem. Significantly paid off in a number of projects. (Beijing ChengTuo Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. in this field has its unique technology, outstanding achievements.)